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Month: September 2021

Remote brewery goes viral, as flowers “explode”


As Bob Hudson said nearly half a century ago in his most famous song, “don’t you ever let a chance go by”.

The pictured can’s back label bills the brew as “a light yet indulgent beer to help you through the COVID-19 times”.

Lucky Bay Brewing has excellent beers, their venue is a very congenial lunch spot for anyone lucky enough to be in or near Esperance, and those who don’t love beer will likely be pleasantly surprised by the compact but excellent and reasonably priced wine list.

It is, however, this area’s magnificent, wild coast and its astounding, astonishingly diverse wildflowers that make the adjoining shires of Esperance and Ravensthorpe one of the world’s more compelling “safari” destinations.


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“Fleur Carnivore”…


…is an arresting, humorous/sinister/beautiful composition by Carla Bley. (for more, see footnote at bottom of this post)

Probably, Carla was inspired by some fellow Americans – Venus Flytraps.

Possibly, she had in mind the spectacular pitcher plants that lurk in Asian jungles.

However, the hottest spot for carnivorous plants is somewhere Carla has never ventured – Western Australia’s southwest corner, where more than 25% of “our” planet’s flowering carnivore species live, exclusively.

Many have exquisitely delicate flowers and look like they wouldn’t hurt a fly.

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