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Month: December 2022

Happy Gnu Year, with musical bonuses (final, double-edition of Namibia “single”-image series)


Gnu/wildebeest are bona fide antelopes.

However, as the Blue Wildebeest’s scientific name – Connochaetes taurinus – suggests, most human newcomers assume that wildebeest are bovine beasts.

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Breaking wildlife photography “rules” ( #23 in Namibia single-image series)



From a very sensible “5 Quick Tips For Better Wildlife Shots”, which is worth reading:

One very important rule when photographing wildlife is to focus on the eyes of your subject.

As you can see, today’s photo breaks this rule…to its advantage, I think.

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“High, wide and handsome” (#22 in Namibia single-image series)


The expression comes from the USA, and is usually applied to places like Montana or to ruggedly handsome “big” men in America’s “Wild West”.

”High, wide and handsome” perfectly describes a deal of Namibia, especially western Namibia’s Brandberg massif.

It covers circa 650 square kilometres, has a circumference of circa 140 kilometres, and Its high point – Namibia’s highest peak – is a deal taller than Australia’s Mount Kosciuszko.

Unlike the Great Wall of China, which is not in fact readily discernible to an astronaut’s naked eyes, the Brandberg is clearly visible from the International Space Station.

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Black and white, in colour (#21 in Namibia single-image series)


This post’s photo was not taken in a national park, nor on a “game drive”.

In northwestern Namibia – in fact, just about anywhere in Namibia – an interesting wildlife encounter is never a certainty, but is almost always a less-than-remote possibility.

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Venerable dunes, with “Father Time” musical bonus (#19 in Namibia single-image series)


The Namib is generally considered the world’s oldest desert; certainly, it is many millions of years older than the Sahara.

Some of the Namib’s dunes are uncommonly stable, exquisitely coloured, remarkably tall.

Contrary to common belief – and to claims made by promoters of various African and Eurasian deserts – the world tallest dunes are not in Africa, nor Arabia, nor China; by a considerable margin, they are in South America.

The Namib’s “sand sea” is, however, singularly beautiful, most especially around Sossusvlei.

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Weirdness-free zone? (# 18 in Namibia single-image series)


Sick of strange, odd, eccentric or exceptional persons, things and phenomena?

You believe signs/believe in signs?

if your answer to both questions is “yes”, a town/region you have never heard of has “just the place” for you!

It is conveniently located in the world’s second least densely populated nation, not far from its border with Angola…

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“White” by name, but…(seasonal greetings)


…at least in portrait view, Pelecanus onocrotalus – the Great White Pelican  – is much more colourful than any version of Santa Claus.

No Santa – whether “bad” or “good”, repackaged by Coca-Cola or not – could even begin to match the pictured individual’s élan…almost-dishevelled, post-punk meets psychedeliia.

S/he (“she”, I think) and Pelican Yoga wish you a joyous festive season!

(to meet our hero/ine in person, Australians would need to use their passports)

Much as I would love to have taken this photo…

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Cost-effective defence policy (#16 in Namibia single-image series)



Many of Africa’s “acacias” – particularly those commonly known as thorn trees/bushes – have a great many very fierce thorns, designed to deter browsing animals.

Nesting birds – usually, one of the weavers – are undeterred, and the feathered home-builders also often get a “free kick” from those thorns.

Birds who nest in the thick of thorns are deploying the tree’s weapons to defend themselves (and their young) from bird-eating predators.

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