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Category: ‘western’ musics

Music review: Chris Abrahams, Lloyd Swanton

For nearly three decades Chris Abrahams and Lloyd Swanton have been two thirds of The Necks.

That singular Australian trio is renowned worldwide, but its members do many other good, highly diverse musical things.

Chris Abrahams’ Climb and Lloyd Swanton’s Ambon are wonderful, in very different ways.  Climb is all piano, solo. Ambon involves a shifting cast of thirteen…and a true story both dreadful and inspirational.


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Music review: two remarkable Scandinavian trios

Together for the first time as a trio on disc, Danish drummer Morten Lund, Swedish bassist Lars Danielsson & Norwegian saxophonist Marius Neset (l-r, above, photographed by Stephen  Freiheit) have delivered a wonderful, exuberant album. Norwegian drummer Per Oddvar Johansen’s trio is utterly different, somewhat darker.