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Fleurieu’s ocean edge (final episode in “Deep Creek” single image teaser series)



The featured image looks across the eastern part of Deep Creek Conservation Park, the farmland beyond, and further east, along the southern shoreline of South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula.

If I had aimed the camera and my eyes southwest, they would have been looking at a lot of ocean, plus a bit – the eastern tip – of Kangaroo Island.

This particular winter’s day was bright, but bracing.

Although not visible in this photo, Deep Creek itself was rushing through its surprisingly spectacular gorge with uncommon force, after a recently-concluded 24+ hours of continuous rain.

The gorge’s nearby, shaded, eastern ridgetop is visible, directly opposite my vantage point on the sun-kissed western side.

Future multi-image posts will reveal more of that morning’s nicely-diverse walk, to and from ocean’s edge at Deep Creek Cove.

Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken in Deep Creek Conservation Park on 23 June 2023.

Before further exploring aspects of winter in South Australia and the Northern Territory Pelican Yoga will feature feathered, flowering and furry friends from further afield…as encountered in warmer weather.

Alliteration rules, ok?

Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs