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“From behind” (#7 in single-image series: Pacific black duck)



Many birds can swivel their heads across a much greater arc than we humans can.

This is good news for bird photographers; a “from behind” image does not always lack the relevant bird’s watchful gaze…

You are looking at Australia’s most abundant duck: Anas superciliosa, the misleadingly-named Pacific black duck.

Discover more about this highly sociable dabbler here

Although I have taken a number of “successful” Pacific black duck photos of the “front on” kind, I prefer the above image to any of them.

Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at Perth’s Lake Claremont, 3.50 pm, 24 February 2022.

Behind Lake Claremont’s ongoing rehabilitation is an inspiring, astonishing story of community initiative, generosity, hard work and effective lobbying; it was well told on a recent episode of ABC TV’s Gardening Australia.

(whenever and wherever did you last hear of a golf course making way for environmental rehabilitation/wildlife and wider community benefit?)

Click this to see it.

Published in nature and travel photographs Western Australia