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Mushrooms’ magic (#79 in “a shining moment” series)

Here in Perth, Western Australia, it is – notionally – Winter, still.

But, as tomorrow’s sequel to this post will illustrate, Spring was already evident on Friday 21 August, 2020.

Today’s and tomorrow’s posts are both fruits of this morning’s “two seasons in one day” walk in Bold Park and the adjoining Perry Lakes Reserve.

The fungi were fruiting in a hollow of a still-living tree near West Lake.

(photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at 10.33 am today)

Usually, posts in the “a shining moment” series include a delicious, thematically linked musical bonus.

Alas, fungi generally “inspire” inane music!

The music that accompanies this post’s Vietnamese bonus is utter twaddle – I strongly suggest that you mute the volume control before you hit “play”.

The vision, however, is extraordinary.




Published in nature and travel photographs Western Australia