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“Surreal”, actual landscapes (#4 in Namibia single-image series)


Atlantic fog-factor permitting, early morning affords your eyes and camera their best chance to experience/capture crisp, sharp views of some of the world’s most astonishing vistas.

(Namibia’s western side is one of “our” planet’s least rainy regions, but also one of the foggiest)

Once the sun is “high” and the heat is “on”, the light becomes flatter, yet harsher, and heat haze destroys fine detail.

However, late morning has its own special charm…

At this time the Namib Desert’s remarkably varied landforms have begun to “dance” and shimmer in the heat haze, but have not yet entirely lost their early morning “coat of many colours”.

If you think deserts are “flat”, “monotonous”, “drab”, “lifeless” places, a trip to the Namib should soon see you eating crow…or at least revising preconceptions and preferred adjectives.

Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at 11.06 am, 22 November 2022, circa 30 minutes drive south of Sossusvlei.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs