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Walking, not rushing (#71 in “a shining moment” series)


Leading by example: an Australian pelican, in South Australia’s Coorong National Park.

I took the photo a little before noon on 14 December 2019.


Willie Dixon (1915-1992) wrote or co-wrote more than 500 songs, including many blues and rock “standards”.

He was also the blues’ most prominent double bass player and an effective singer.

Had he actually received all the royalties owed to him, Willie Dixon would have been a seriously wealthy man; not a few million dollars worth of record sales involved his songs.

Ironically, Willie Dixon only “charted” once in his own right – in 1955, with a song he did not write.

Willie sang and played bass, with drummer Fred Below and pianist Lafayette Leake:



Also unhurried, but very different in mood, is this 1935 solo performance by Blind Boy Fuller, who probably wrote Walking My Troubles Away:



Published in 'western' musics Australia (not WA) music nature and travel photographs songs, in English