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Word power: climate change “unravelling” Australia’s forests

What will happen is the system will crash faster than we realise. Yes, it will reassemble and there will be forests, but they won’t look anything like what we have now. We are going to see this transformation before our eyes…

So says the University of Tasmania’s Professor David Bowman, who studies the impacts of climate change and fire on trees.

He is one of several researchers quoted in Graham Readfearn’s article in the March 7 2019  Australian edition of The Guardian.

Many Australians believe that Australia’s forests can withstand whatever fires and droughts come along.

Bowman and other scientists say that this belief is simply wrong.

At particular risk of “vanishing” are the tall forest ecosystems of southeastern and southwestern Australia.

Read the full article here.

(the photo – copyright Doug Spencer, taken on 27 October 2018 – shows one such forest in the Otway Ranges, a short drive inland from Lorne, Victoria)

Published in Australia (not WA) opinions and journalism photographs Western Australia word power