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Word power: Moby Trump

“My” local daily paper – The West Australian – has recently become relentlessly parochial and adopted inane journalese as its house style.

Its headlines especially grate: almost all are prime examples of what smug dullards consider “clever”, of what twits mistake for wit.

The West‘s editor may or may not be a bona fide idiot; perhaps he is just a bright young lickspittle, fulfilling a brief to “dumb everything down, cut every cost and cross-promote the linked TV station, endlessly”.

So, it was a particular joy/relief to encounter some actual journalistic flair…

One of the Leaders (editorials) in the March 30th-April 5th 2019 edition of The Economist is headlined “Trump Resurgent”.

These are its first two sentences:

Robert Mueller toiled over his report for two years, slightly longer than it took Herman Melville to write “Moby Dick”. Going by a summary provided by the attorney-general, though, the endings are the same: the whale gets away.

Click here to read the full piece.

(re: the photo. No, they’re not white whales, but somehow orcas are more Trump-appropriate.  After more than 64 orca-less years, I at last saw so-called “killer whales” in the wild, on the early evening of March 24, from New Zealand’s Otago Peninsula. More of the Otago Peninsula soon, on Pelican Yoga)

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa New Zealand opinions and journalism photographs word power