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5 search results for "Shedding skin"

Barking mad: what tree’s skin is this?

As regular readers/viewers know, Pelican Yoga is partial to eucalypts’ bark, most especially when those trees shed and renew their skin.

I am no expert on particular species, but I can positively identify this one.

The relevant sign (next image) will let you know if your guess is correct; chances are excellent that you will “bark up” the wrong tree!

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“Millennial” lizard, relishing avocado

As Australia’s Right-“thinking” “pundits”/commentators/zealots “know”, if this “scaly, self-indulgent millennial” continues to bolt down avocados, it will never achieve home ownership!

They may, however, be pleased to know that no member of this species has ever sipped a latte…although some “pundits” surely will be disappointed to learn that its name does not salute a monarch/y.

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