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European surprises (#19 in single-image teaser series: wayang, far from Indonesia)


As will be more clear if you zoom in on/enlarge the featured image, it shows a very fine set of Indonesian “shadow” puppets, of the Wayang Kulit  kind.

Italy abounds with museums and galleries.

Not a few of them are excellent.

Some are truly singular, albeit highly likely to be crowded.

Often, they are an “embarrassment of riches” – altogether too much to be comprehended/appreciated properly in the space of a single visit.

Our nicest museum surprise in 2023 was Palermo’s Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum.

I had expected that it would be worth visiting, and that it would showcase Sicily’s own, remarkable, rich puppetry heritage.

It does indeed do that, wonderfully well…but that is far from all that is does, very well.

Not a few “international” museums are in fact rather parochial, and cluttered with rather too many “unremarkable” objects.

Not this one; it is a “Goldilocks Zoner”; not too big, uncluttered, and truly international,

It is pleasingly non-Eurocentric in its approach to non-Sicilian traditions…as you can see in a future, multi-image post.

If you go to Palermo, you should have it on your “must visit” list; 90-120 minutes there will likely prove even more rewarding than time spent in certain other, much more tourist-thronged, “major” attractions in Palermo.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs