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European surprises (#20 & final in single-image teaser series: “not a museum”)



On Sicily’s northwestern corner, Erice sits atop a very steep hill, 750 metres above the Mediterranean.

Highly picturesque and spectacularly-located, it is essentially-medieval, but this village’s history extends very much further – Erice was conquered rather than created by ancient Greeks.

As the photo illustrates, some 21st century visitors to Erice find it difficult to recognise exactly what they are looking at…

Erice looks nigh-impregnable, but has many times been invaded, over 25 or more centuries.

As you will see in future, multi-image posts, Erice offers splendid views in every direction, whenever its oft-present “personal cloud cap” allows. (we were in luck)

This post concludes the European teaser series.

Pelican Yoga will further explore various European aspects and places, mostly in southern Italy, but also in Austria & Germany.

However, for the next little while, three other continents are home to featured locations/flora/fauna.

(this post’s photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken on one of Erica’s curving, cobbled streets at 11.53 am on 24 September 2023)

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs