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Quirky moments (#1 in series: “royal” treatment in a desert “palace”)



…only in India!

“Real” Indian “palaces” and “forts” are often “surreal” and “fantastical”.

So are the “fakes”.

Suryagarh Jaisalmer is located some kilometres outside of, rather than inside the Thar Desert fortress city of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.

I am sure some guests really do think that they are staying in a former palace/fort.

Suryagarh is in fact a luxurious hotel/resort, built as such, long after the “fall” of the British Empire, let alone the Moghuls’.

Its own spiel’s opening sentence:

When your soul searches for nourishment, the universe answers with wonder

Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken in “our” room,18 February 2020.

You may like to peruse the establishment’s own image gallery.

(The “celebrations” prompt will give you a vivid sense of just how “understated, not…” is this resort. Staying there is an absolute hoot, once)

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs