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Quirky moments (#2 in series: snakebird v catfish)

What is a “quirky moment”?

The answer is largely a matter of the relevant human observer’s/participant’s experience, sensibility, attitude.

One person’s “surprising” or “bizarre” or “amusing” is another’s “to be expected, in this particular context”, “prosaic”, or “unremarkable”

What is happening in the featured image is a case in point.

For the two species in it, the photo shows something “normal”, “everyday” – albeit a matter of life and death.

However, most urban-resident Australian visitors to India surely would regard this event as “weird”, “previously unseen”, “unexpected”, perhaps “shocking”…quirky.

Click here to see a multi-image post that shows how this encounter unfolded over five fiercely contested minutes.

This post’s photo is previously unpublished, it and all images in the related post are copyright Doug Spencer, taken on 06 February 2020 in Keoladeo National Park, Rajasthan.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs