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Tag: John Abercrombie

“Timeless” 2 (#64 in “a shining moment” series)


This is a sequel to yesterday’s post, which addressed the very same tree and the same tune.

This post’s photo was taken a very few minutes after yesterday’s, in essentially the same conditions; “today’s” bark also sits on the lower trunk, and is less than a metre distant from “yesterday’s”.

The particular quartet responsible for “today’s” performance is a splendid foursome who never existed as a regular unit, nor ever made a studio album, as such.

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“Timeless” 1 (#63 in “a shining moment” series)


In one sense, absolutely nothing is timeless, most especially living things.

In another sense, however, many things are timeless –  no matter how many times we see or hear or feel them, some things always reward our attention.

Today’s post and tomorrow’s post address the same, individual tree, and the same piece of music, with its composer present on both (different) occasions.

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