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Tag: Shenton Park Bushland

Shenton Bushland: flowering



On the afternoon of 26 August 2023 Shenton Bushland was already very colourful, although “peak Springtime flowering” was probably still a few weeks away.

None of this post’s flowers are hard to find at this time of year, providing you are in the right kind of place, within southwest Western Australia.

Shenton Bushland is one of several “right kinds of place” that are less than 20 minutes away from Perth’s CBD.

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Donkey, with spider




The “donkey” is an orchid.

The “spider” is an actual spider, on the orchid.

The large orchid is impossible to miss.

However, to enjoy a good look at the tiny spider you should zoom in on/ enlarge the featured image… and then inspect the uppermost part of the donkey orchid.

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“Red-tails in suburbia” (#7 in series)


Not least among Forest red-tailed black cockatoos’ qualities is their sheer zest.

A capacity to relish being alive is, I think, unevenly distributed between individuals within a species…and between different species/subspecies.

This capacity is often spectacularly evident in Calyptorhynchus banksii naso.

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Taste of Spring (West Australian & Norwegian)

According to the people who were already here for many thousands of years before “European settlement”, southwest Western Australia has six seasons.

Each is determined by what is actually happening, rather than by a calendar’s fixed dates.

Currently, in and around Perth, it is very evidently Djilba – the first of two “Spring” seasons.

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